Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Acceptance 3

Wow, I could write on the subject of acceptance all day long. I really do people have such a hard time in life because they refuse to accept what is often right before their eyes. So often people are looking for someone else to save them, or to help them in some way, when in actuality we all have what we need to get what we want out of this life.

Many people are afraid to live. They create fantasy worlds, or retreat to watching TV while others live their lives. Some feel they cannot accomplish, or do not know how to get things done. So many of us have little faith in our capabilities. We let others do and sit back and say, "I wish I could."

You can. All you have to do is accept what you want may take hard work. It may take a long time, but it is doable. We must accept certain aspects of our lives before we can change them. Not accepting a circumstance, or situation we cannot control will only cause us more grief and dysfunction. With a little acceptance, you can go a long way.

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