Monday, May 31, 2010

Lesson to be Learned

Stuff happens! That is just how it is. Life goes on no matter what happens to you. You must learn to deal with it and began to think of certain things that happens to us as lessons to be learned.

Being married has taught me so much about myself. One thing I know for sure; I am one of the strongest people I have ever met in my life. There is not too much I don't think I could'nt handle, if I had to. Life has taught me to make do, do over and do without.

Being married has taught me that I am loyal, capable, willing, and completely ready for whatever comes my way. I no longer hide from anyone or anything. I'm ready to do what it takes to live the authentic life I was put on earth to live.

Although my marriage has not been the best, it is my marriage. One I helped create. I'll continue to learn the important lessons of life and hold my head up high. I know it is all for a very important purpose. I'm ready if I don't get to go.

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