Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Other Woman

This is a subject I'll talk about off and on this year. The reason women who date marriage vary. Some actually do not know the man is married until too late for their emotional good. These women are easier to feel sorry for than others. They are usually part of the set up the man has carefully laid out.

I'm not going to talk too much about these women. It is not because I feel sorry for them, but because these women would probably rather not be in the situation. These are the ones who do their best not to interfere with the man's life and usually only stay in the ill-fated relationship because their heart is really in it.

I would advise any woman who finds herself in this situation to do all she can to get out. It is a horrible way to live.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who loves someone who is lying to them and betraying them deserves my sympathy. Without trust, we have nothing. Any woman who involves herself with a married man knowing he's married is a fool.
