Friday, December 18, 2009

Tiger by the Tail

Last night I had a talk with a 26 year old young woman with a four year old son. She was looking at the first book in the series Get Out of the Way! Claim God's Will for Your Marriage! She began to talk about "we", so I questioned if there was a man in her life. Not only did she not have a man, she didn't have the prospect of one. This set me off and began what ended up with me bombarding her with information, which surprisingly, she was able to absorb.

Yes, I get very passionate when it comes to marriage. A lot of the reason stems from the reality that woman have been getting away with too much for too long. Some of our behaviors getting pregnant to get a man, getting pregnant to keep a man, lying about being pregnant, purposely breaking up homes, making up imaginary scenarios, expecting men to read our minds, lying to ourselves about who we are, having misguided, outdated, and never true beliefs. The list could go on and on.

I am not here to bagger, or belittle. I want to uplift women and help men understand they need to step up if they want to stay married. This whole thing with Tiger Woods is a prime example of why our marriages fail. Many of us are not mature enough to get married. My God Tiger, what more do you want? You had the blondest, bluest eyed wife, who looked great in a bikini. You have a billion dollars. You are the best at your chosen profession. What is missing that would allow you to jeapordize it all, for meaningless sex?

It happens everyday. I submit our men are hurting just as much as we are. Women, it is time we recognize their sensitive side and encourage them to be vulnerable with us. Men, instead of seeking comfort outside the home, give your spouse a chance. Teach us how to love you and we will do the same.

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