Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Many women are probably going to think I am crazy when I say I can understand why some men are unfaithful.

When I had my son, I was astonished by the number of times I had to literally touch his penis. It made me think about how hard it must be to have such a sensitive spot being touched all the time. The fact that it is also a sex organ really made me pay attention to the reality that men really do have a lot of biological factors that make it hard for them to be monogamous.

It is easier for women to say no. Our sensitive places, (other than nipples) are secluded. Whereas a man has to touch his penis each time he uses the bathroom, put his pants and underwear on, etc. No wonder so many of them have a problem keeping it in their pants. They never really get a chance not to think about it.

I understand why they masturbate. I understand why they focus on it. It is a lot to ask a man not to think about the needs of his organ. A man does have to rise above his flesh constantly and that is hard for any of us to do. We want what we want, sometimes without justification, but we want it just the same.

I do not believe in monogamy. There is nothing I have learned during my years of schooling, watching documentaries, or living life that has made me believe it is even truly possible for the majority of us. It really does take a strong conviction and a willingness not to let your physical wants, needs, and desires to take over your life.

We all know men are simple, plain and simple. It makes sense to them to satisfy themselves when they feel the need. It is all a mind game and if you have a weak mind, you probably will have weak relations with others.

It really comes down the to the individual and whether or not they are able, or want to control themselves.

Just because I understand does not mean I agree. I am sure there are many men who have been able to rise above their need to feel their nature rise. I just don't know any.

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