Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

My heart has been broken many times. Each time I thought I'd never love again, or be able to meet someone else, or that I wouldn't survive the pain of the heartache. Guess what? I survived each time and the byproduct of a broken heart for me became the ability to long stronger the next time.

I am a risk taker and I usually do it in relationships. I know all I have to give is the love I know how to share. Just because some buster couldn't get me, doesn't mean the next one won't.

There has been all kinds of campaigns to get certain words taken out of the dictionary. The only one I agree with being taken out is the forever. Not because I think the word is bad, but because there is no such thing as forever. Things can happen for what seems to be forever, but no one lives to see forever. So why do we expect our relationships to last forever?

The only forever relationships are those of blood relations. Blood doesn't change, but the heart and mind does. Just because someone says they love you today, doesn't mean they will tomorrow. Nothing last forever.

If your heart is broken, be glad that nothing is forever, that way you'll look forward to feeling differently in the future.

Broken hearts do mend. It takes time and patience and a willingness to do something different. Let go and release yourself from the ties that bind. Allow yourself to heal. Let yourself believe you will be loved again.

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