Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jenny Sanford

I just watched the interview with First Lady of North Carolina, Jenny Sanford. I am proud of her. Even though she could have stayed with her husband, she was smart enough to realize you can't make someone love you if they don't.

He clearly got on national TV and said he was "trying to fall back in love with my wife." He cried and called the other woman his "soulmate." He talked about having feelings he had never had before. He completely left her no choice but to divorce him.

Women have backbones and we need to use them more. We'll fight to the death to get new living room furniture, or a new outfit, but when a man lets you know he doesn't love you, you had better run, because if he stays and he's already gone, you will pay.

Jenny Sanford is smart. She knows she has to take advantage of this time to rebuild her life without him. She is right, he is lost. He is steeped in spiritual warfare and it was more than obvious during anytime he was interviewed about his marital status.

But wait, he told her these days were coming from the moment they married. He insisted the word faithful be taken out of the wedding vows. She felt he didn't have to say it to mean it. As long as he wanted to marry her, she was okay. He didn't want to say it, because he didn't mean it then, and he doesn't mean it now.

We have to listen. We must pay attention to what men are saying to us and stop wanting to believe what we think they are saying. She could have saved herself a lot of heartache had she waited on a man who knew he wanted to be faithful. I am not saying the man wouldn't have been unfaithful down the line, life does change us, but at least he would have started out on the right foot. Mark Sanford knew from the beginning he was not going to be faithful.

She was impressed by the pages of goals he had for himself as far as how he would make a living etc. What she should have been focusing on was who he was at the time, but all this is after the fact and now she gets start over with a clean slate and a true feeling of freedom because she did what was in her best interest.

It would be a nightmare to live with someone who didn't love you and publicly announced it. even for the sake of the kids. In this case, divorce really was the only answer. He had completely taken her for granted as illustrated by him constantly asking her permission to go see his mistress. Wow! Out of all the things I've heard, that is the hardest to believe. How could he? He knows something about her that she didn't know about herself for him to even think it was okay to ask her that question.

Listen to what they are saying. Pay attention, the signs are always there.


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