Saturday, February 5, 2011

What's Really Important

I know I may sound old fashioned, but I truly believe women should do most of the cooking in the family. I have two reasons for this belief. The really important one is they have more control over what they put into their mouths.

One of the main reasons women are so huge today is they do not know how to cook. They have no intimate experience with food. They are used to someone else preparing what they eat. They can say they are not accountable because they didn't cook it. In reality, we should have control over what goes into our mouths on a daily basis.

The other reason I believe women should cook is because it is an act of love. Just stopping by a drive-thru is not love. It is doing what is easiest and fastest, but it is almost the least healthy to live that way.

Call me old fashioned but I know cooking has helped me when I have decided to take control of my weight gain. By buying the food for and preparing my own meals, I have been able to take control of what I am ingesting.

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